College-Based Courses

C Language for Science and Engineering

Why every student should learn C language?

Before we begin, let me defend the somewhat outrageous title of this article with an analogy: You can make your own bread with a prepackaged mix, a bread machine and some electricity—or, you can assemble the raw ingredients, a mixing bowl, a stout spoon, a dough blade, fire up the oven and get some cardio through kneading. If it’s just fresh bread you’re after, the machine gets you there.
But if you want to understand the underlying process and have the most options when it comes to the final product, you need to put in the effort of the manual method. This is a lot like tackling the C programming language: You have to dig down into the flour and get your hands dusty, but you end up understanding the process at an intimate level.
First, let’s make a distinction between someone who wants to just learn any programming language (the guy who just wants the bread) from someone who has the desire to be a polyglot programmer (the artisan baker). Don't get me wrong, there are many great reasons to learn a programming language, and even if you just learn one higher level scripting language like Python or JavaScript, you’re still a programmer. Mastering any single language is still a challenge and a worthy goal.
However, the programmer I’m addressing here is someone who wants to understand programming at a deeper level just for programming’s sake. This is someone who naturally has a desire to become that polyglot programmer.
Originally, I wanted to title this article “Why Every Programmer Should Learn C First,” but I backed away from that. Sure, there are advantages to learning C first; you won’t get seduced by a language like Python and never come back. In fact, if I were teaching high school students, I would almost certainly teach them a higher level language like Python first. Then I would take my best students and teach them C second. If I were teaching a class of science and engineers, I would probably just start with C. Let’s face it, if they learned Maxwell’s equations, a little pointer indirection isn’t going to induce a lot of angst.


However, I do think there are advantages to learning C first over C++ or Java. When you work in languages like Java, C# and even Python, you immediately start moving away from learning the fundamentals of a programming language and you start learning associated libraries and frameworks. But with C you get a few library calls, you stay focused on the semantics of the language longer, and C often forces you to think harder and deeper about what’s happening under the hood.
C is a middle level language. When people talk about it you’ll hear phrases like “coding to the metal,” or “coding close to the wire”. C is the language of compilers, interpreters, editors, operating systems and embedded programming When you learn to program in C you almost have to gain an understanding of how programs execute. You know what things like register, stack, heap and memory mapped IO mean. You start to think how much better life would have been if you had been born with sixteen fingers.

Simplicity and Speed

C is simple, elegant and wicked fast; it’s compact and efficient. Because C has raw pointers, bitwise operators, and the keywords: extern, volatile, static, and register—meaning you’ll understand more about writing efficient code than you can glean from any higher-level language. The only thing that will teach you these things any better is a low-level language, and with modern processors I wouldn’t wish assembler on anyone.
The C syntax is why programmers talk about the “C Family of Languages,” which generally includes languages like: C, C++, C#, Java, EcmaScript (aka JavaScript), Objective-C and many others. Wikipedia lists plenty more, but I think their list is a bit wacky.


C also happens to be demanding, fastidious, finicky and sometimes downright cryptic. You can easily write hard-to-read, difficult to maintain code in C. But and this is a key point, you don’t have to Learning to write maintainable code in C will require (and hopefully instill) coding discipline. In most languages fixing syntax errors can border on the trivial For instance, Ada’s compiler error messages are so good it might as well have just fixed the code for you. Finding and correcting a missing or additional semicolon in C can sometimes be an epic undertaking.

Fewer Distractions

C is not an object-oriented language, so you don’t get distracted by things like inheritance and polymorphism. I’m not saying these aren’t important concepts, it’s just that you can simplify things a bit by learning straight procedural programming first. In fact, once you've learned C, and written a couple of embedded programs on some single board computers, learning C++ is a natural next step. You will need to get someone to pry your fingers off the macros and preprocessor directives but other than that it will be straightforward. I would be tempted to teach C with a C++ compiler, and just highlight the few differences that weren’t backwards compatible with a strict C compiler.

Embedded Programming

My final argument for learning C is tied to doing embedded programming. As a programmer, I always get a sense of satisfaction when I deliver any working piece of code. Making a computer do what you want can be satisfying. But when I integrate my embedded code with some custom hardware that makes things happen outside of the computer—from moving a robotic arm to generating a precisely timed waveform—I get an incomparable thrill. That thrill only happens because I learned C Of course, I ended up doing most of my embedded coding in C++ but I still felt that learning C first made it all possible. If you want a fast pleasant way to learn C, Sigma-PI Academy has you covered, check out my Course on The C Programming Language in Action.

Topics covered in C Language Course

  1. Introduction to Programming

    Introduction to components of a computer system: Memory, processor, I/O Devices, storage, operating system, Concept of assembler, compiler, interpreter, loader and linker

    Idea of Algorithm: Representation of Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo code with examples, From algorithms to programs, source code

    Programming Basics: Structure of C program, writing and executing the first C program, Syntax and logical errors in compilation, object and executable code

    Components of C language: Standard I/O in C, Fundamental data types, Variables and memory locations, Storage classes

  2. Arithmetic Expressions & Conditional Branching

    Arithmetic expressions and precedence: Operators and expression using numeric and relational operators, mixed operands, type conversion, logical operators, bit operations, assignment operator, operator precedence and associativity

    Conditional Branching: Applying if and switch statements, nesting if and else, use of break and default with switch

  3. Loops & Functions

    Iteration and loops: use of while, do while and for loops, multiple loop variables, use of break and continue statements

    Functions: Introduction, types of functions, functions with array, passing parameters to functions, call by value, call by reference, recursive functions

  4. Arrays & Basic Algorithms

    Arrays: Array notation and representation, manipulating array elements, using multi-dimensional arrays Character arrays and strings, Structure, union, enumerated data types, Array of structures, Passing arrays to functions

    Basic Algorithms: Searching & Basic Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Insertion and Selection), Finding roots of equations, Notion of order of complexity

  5. Pointer & File Handling

    Pointers: Introduction, declaration, applications, Introduction to dynamic memory allocation (malloc, calloc, realloc, free), Use of pointers in self-referential structures, notion of linked list (no implementation)

    File handling: File I/O functions, Standard C preprocessors, defining and calling macros, command-line arguments

C++ Language for Science and Engineering

Why every programmer should learn C++ language?

C++ is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup in to be an extension of the C language It has the features of imperative, object-oriented as well as generic programming models C++ also has some additional facilities to those in C such as classes, inheritance, default function argument, etc C++ plays quite an integral role in modern times as many contemporary systems such as operating systems, web browsers, databases, etc have C++ code in at least some part of their codebase Moreover, C++ is quite useful in performance critical areas because of its speed Keeping the popularity and relevance of C++ in mind, the top reasons to learn it are given below:

C++ Popularity and High Salary

C++ is one of the most popular languages in the world It is used by some million developers worldwide Also, C++ Developers are quite sought after and they hold some of the most high-paying jobs in the industry with an average base pay of $ , per year.

C++ has Abundant Library Support

C++ has the Standard Template Library(STL) that is very useful as it helps in writing code compactly and quickly as required It contains mainly four components i e algorithms, containers, functions, and iterators The algorithms are of different types such as sorting, searching, etc The containers store classes to implement different data structures that are commonly used such as stacks, queues, hash tables, vectors, sets, lists, maps, etc The functors allow the working of the associated function to be customized with the help of the parameters passed Also, the iterators are used for working upon a sequence of values.

C++ has a Large Community

There is a large online community of C++ users and experts that is particularly helpful in case any support is required. There is a lot of resources like GeeksforGeeks etc available on the internet regarding C++. Some of the other online resources for C++ include StackOverflow, cppreference com, Standard C++, etc.

C++ In Databases

There are many modern-day databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, MemSQL, etc that are written in C++. This is because C++ is quite modern and it supports features like exceptions, lambda expressions, etc. Many of the databases that are written in C++ are used in almost all of the in-use applications such as YouTube, WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

C++ In Operating Systems

All the major operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Android, Ubuntu, iOS, etc are written in a combination of C and C++. The Windows applications are written in C++, while Android applications are written in Java along with C/C++ with non-default run-times for C++ support. Also, C++ can be used to develop the core of the applications in iOS .In general, C or C++ are used in operating systems because of the speed and strongly typed nature of these languages.

C++ In Compilers

C++ is closer to the hardware level and is a comparatively low-level language. Because of this reason, it is used in many compilers as a backend programming language. An example of this is the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) which is currently written mostly in C++ along with C.

C++ In Web Browsers

A lot of web browsers are developed using C++ such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc Chrome contains C++ in the rendering engine, JavaScript engine, and the UI Firefox uses mainly in the rendering engine and a little in the UI Safari also uses C++ in the rendering engine and JavaScript engine All these web browsers and more use C++, particularly in the rendering engines because it provides the required speed that is necessary for the rendering engines since they need to display the content at an accelerated rate.

C++ In Graphics

Applications requiring graphics such as digital image processing, computer vision, screen recording programs, etc use C++ due to its high speed. This can also include different games that have graphics as a big part of their structure .

C++ In Embedded Systems

C++ is closer to the hardware level and so it is quite useful in embedded systems as the software and hardware in these are closely coupled. There are many embedded systems that use C++ such as smart watches, MP players, GPS systems, etc .

C++ is Portable

Programs developed in C++ can be moved from one platform to another. This is one of the main reasons that applications requiring multi-platform or multi-device development often use C++ .

Topics covered in C++ Course

  1. ANSI C++ Fundamentals

    Block Structure of C and C++ Programs
    Fundamentals of Syntax
    Built in Data Types
    The Preprocessor and Macros

  2. Data Types, Storage, Classes, and Scope

    Data Types and Qualifiers
    Constants and String Literals
    Static versus Automatic Storage
    Scope and variables
    Initialization Rules

  3. Operators and Expressions

    Arithmetic, Logical, and Bit Operators
    Precedence and associativity
    Type Conversion Rules
    Type Casting

  4. Flow Control Constructs

    Conditional Constructs: if, switch
    Looping Constructs: while, do, for
    Programming Style

  5. Pointers

    Advantages of Pointers
    Uses of Pointers
    Declaring Pointers
    Pointer and Address Arithmetic
    Initializing and Dereferencing Pointers
    Pointers vs. Arrays

  6. Moving from C to C++

    New Compiler Directives
    Stream Console I/O
    Explicit Operators
    Standard Libraries
    Data Control Capabilities

  7. Handling Data

    New Declaration Features
    Initialization and Assignment
    Enumerated Types
    The bool type
    Constant Storage
    Pointers to Constant Storage
    Constant Pointers
    Constant Reference Arguments
    Volatile Data
    Global Data

  8. Functions in C++

    Function Prototypes and Type Checking
    Default Function Data Types
    Function Overloading
    Problems with Function Overloading
    Name Resolution
    Promotions and Conversions
    Call by Value
    Reference Declarations
    Call-by-Reference and Reference Types
    References in Function Return
    Constant Argument Types
    Conversion of Parameters Using Default Initializers
    Providing Default Arguments
    Inline Functions

  9. Strings in C++

    Character Strings
    The String Class
    Operators on Strings
    Member Functions of the String Class

  10. Creating and Using Objects

    Creating Automatic Objects
    Creating Dynamic Objects
    Calling Object Methods
    Initializing Member consts
    Initializer List Syntax
    Allocating Resources in Constructor
    Block and Function Scope
    File and Global Scope
    Class Scope
    Scope Resolution Operator (::)
    Using Objects as Arguments
    Objects as Function Return Values
    Constant Methods
    Containment Relationships

  11. Dynamic Memory Management

    Advantages of Dynamic Memory Allocation
    Static, Automatic, and Heap Memory
    Free Store Allocation with new and delete
    Handling Memory Allocation Errors

  12. Controlling Object Creation

    Object Copying and Copy Constructor
    Automatic Copy Constructor
    Conversion Constructor

  13. Inheritance

    Inheritance and Reuse
    Composition vs. Inheritance
    Inheritance: Centralized Code
    Inheritance: Maintenance and Revision :
    * Public, Private and Protected Members
    * Redefining Behavior in Derived Classes
    * Designing Extensible Software Systems
    Syntax for Public Inheritance
    Use of Common Pointers
    Constructors and Initialization
    Inherited Copy Constructors
    Destructors and Inheritance
    Public, Protected, Private Inheritance

  14. Streaming I/O

    Streams and the iostream Library
    Built-in Stream Objects
    Stream Manipulators
    Stream Methods
    Input/Output Operators
    Character Input
    String Streams
    Formatted I/O
    File Stream I/O
    Overloading Stream Operators
    Persistent Objects

Advanced Topics in C++ Course

  1. Introduction to Object Concepts

    The Object Programming Paradigm
    Object-Orientated Programming Definitions
    Information Hiding and Encapsulation
    Separating Interface and Implementation
    Classes and Instances of Objects
    Overloaded Objects and Polymorphism

  2. Templates

    Purpose of Template Classes
    Constants in Templates
    Templates and Inheritance
    Container Classes
    Use of Libraries

  3. Exceptions

    Types of Exceptions
    Trapping and Handling Exceptions
    Triggering Exceptions
    Handling Memory Allocation Errors

  4. C++ Program Structure

    Organizing C++ Source Files
    Integrating C and C++ Projects
    Using C in C++

  5. Reliability Considerations in C++ Projects

    Function Prototypes
    Strong Type Checking
    Constant Types
    C++ Access Control Techniques

  6. Polymorphism in C++

    Definition of Polymorphism
    Calling Overridden Methods
    Accessing Overridden Methods
    Virtual Methods and Dynamic Binding
    Virtual Destructors
    Abstract Base Classes and Pure Virtual Methods

  7. Multiple Inheritance

    Derivation from Multiple Base Classes
    Base Class Ambiguities
    Virtual Inheritance
    * Virtual Base Classes
    * Virtual Base Class Information

  8. Declaring and Defining Classes

    Components of a class
    Class Structure
    Class Declaration Syntax
    Member Data
    Built-in Operations
    Constructors and Initialization
    Initialization vs. Assignment
    Class Type Members
    Member Functions and Member Accessibility
    Inline Member Functions
    Friend Functions
    Static Members
    Modifying Access with a Friend Class

  9. Operator Overloading

    Advantages and Pitfalls of Overloading
    Member Operator Syntax and Examples
    Class Assignment Operators
    Class Equality Operators
    Non-Member Operator Overloading
    Member and Non-Member Operator Functions
    Operator Precedence
    The this Pointer
    Overloading the Assignment Operator
    Overloading Caveats

  10. The Standard Template Library

    STL Containers
    Parameters Used in Container Classes
    The Vector Class
    STL Algorithms
    Use of Libraries

Core Java for Science and Engineering

Why every programmer should learn Core Java?

Java’s Popularity and High Salary :

Java is one of the most popular languages in the world. It is used by some million developers and it runs on around billion devices worldwide according to Oracle blogs. Because of the high demand for Java, Java developers are also quite sought after and they hold some of the most high-paying jobs in the industry.

Java has an abundant API :

Java has an abundant Application Programming Interface (API) that includes many Java classes, packages, interfaces, etc This is useful for constructing applications without necessarily knowing their inside implementations Java has mainly three types of API i e Official Java core API’s, Optional official Java API’s and Unofficial API’s These API’s overall are used for almost everything including networking, I/O, databases, media, XML parsing, speech synthesis, etc .

Java has multiple Open Source Libraries :

Open source libraries have resources that can be copied, studied, changed, shared, etc There are multiple open source libraries in Java such as JHipster, Maven, Google Guava, Apache Commons, etc that can be used to make Java development easier, cheaper and faster.

Java has Powerful Development Tools :

There are many Integrated development environments (IDE’s) in Java that provides various facilities for software development to programmers Powerful Java IDE’s such as Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, etc play a big role in the success of Java These IDE’s provide many facilities such as debugging, syntax highlighting, code completion, language support, automated refactoring, etc that make coding in Java easier and faster Java has created a base for the Android operating system and opted around fortune companies for develop a lot of back-end applications Also, it plays a great role in Apache Hadoop data processing, Amazon Web Services, and Windows Azure, etc .

Java is Free of Cost :

One of the reasons Java is very popular among individual programmers is that it is available under the Oracle Binary Code License (BCL) free of charge. This means that Java is free for development and test environments, but for commercial purposes, a small fee is required.

Java is Platform Independent :

Java is platform independent as the Java source code is converted to byte code by the compiler which can then be executed on any platform using the Java Virtual Machine Java is also known as a WORA (write once, run anywhere) language because it is platform independent. Also, the development of most Java applications occurs in a Windows environment while they are run on a UNIX platform because of the platform independent nature of Java .

Java has great Documentation Support :

The documentation support for Java is excellent using Javadoc which is the documentation generator for Java It uses the Java source code to generate the API documentation in HTML format So, Javadoc provides a great reference while coding in Java so that understanding the code is quite simple.

Java is Versatile :

Java is very versatile as it is used for programming applications on the web, mobile, desktop, etc using different platforms Also, Java has many features such as dynamic coding, multiple security features, platform-independent characteristics, network-centric designing, etc that make it quite versatile.

In this course the student will become proficient core java programmer, and can develop Graphical Application, Games and can go for Android App Development.

What will you get?

⇒ Video recording of every class.
⇒ Pdf of the class notes.
⇒ Regular tests will be taken and we would work on the weakpoint of the student.
⇒ Doubt clearing at the time when the student is unable to solve the problem.

Course content :

1. Introduction to Java Language
2. Fundamental Data Types
3. Decisions
4. Loops
5. Methods
6. Arrays and Array Lists
7. Input/Output and Exception Handling
8. Objects and Classes
9. Inheritance and Interfaces
10. The Java Collections Framework
11. Multithreading
12. Graphical User Interfaces
13. Advanced Graphical User Interfaces
14. Introduction to IDE like Eclipse and NetBeans
15. Object-Oriented Design
16. Recursion
17. Sorting and Searching
18. JavaFX
⇒ Introduction to Java FX
⇒ Colors and Shapes
⇒ Graphics, Audio, and MouseEvents
19. Final Project
⇒ a. Developing a Java-based animation, application or game

Advanced Java for Science and Engineering

Why every programmer should learn Advanced Java?

PREREQUISITE : Core Java Course of SigmaPi Academy
In this Course we focus on JDBC meaning we connect to the database software and perform many operations. This knowledge is useful in developing enterprise level software.

What will you get?

⇒ Video recording of every class.
⇒ Pdf of the class notes.
⇒ Regular tests will be taken and we would work on the weakpoint of the student.
⇒ Doubt clearing at the time when the student is unable to solve the problem.

Course content :

1. Introduction to advanced Java
2. JDBC in simple way
3. Storage Areas
4. Introduction to JDBC
5. JDBC Architecture
7. Driver Interface vs Driver Class vs Driver Software
8. Types of Driver
9. Standard steps to develop JDBC Applications.
10. Working with Type-1 Driver.
11. Working with Type-2 Driver.
12. Working with Type-3 Driver.
13. Working with Type-4 Driver.
14. Working with Type-5 Driver.
15. Summary table of all 5 JDBC drivers.
16. Program to create and drop table.
17. How to read dynamic input from the keyboard.
18. How to form SQL queries with dynamic input.
19. Program for Basic CRUD operation.
20. Realtime coding standard for JDBC application.
21. How to develop & run JDBC Application with Netbeans IDE.
22. Working with mysql database.
23. Life cycle of SQL query executor.
24. Prepared Statement.
25. Difference between Statement and Prepared Statement.
26. SQL Injection Attack.
27. Stored Procedures.
28. Callable Statement.
29. Cursors
30. Functions.
31. Statement vs Prepared Statement vs Callable Statement.
32. Batch Updates.
33. executeQuery() vs executeUpdate() vs execute() vs executeBatch()
34. Insert and retrieve Date values.
35. BLOB & CLOB Introduction.
36. Insert & Retrieve BLOB type .
37. Insert & Retrieve CLOB type.
38. Connection Pooling.
39. Working with Properties.
40. Different ways to get connection object.
41. Transaction Management.
42. Savepoints.
43. Transaction Concurrency Problem and Isolation level.
44. MetaData :
⇒ Database Metadata
⇒ ResultSet Metadata
⇒ Parameter Metadata
45. JDBC with non-Traditional Database like Excel.
46. ResultSet Types :
⇒ Forward only and Scrollable
⇒ Scroll Sensitive & Scroll insensitive
⇒ Read only & updatable
47. ResultSet Holdablity.
48. RowSet vs ResultSet.
49. Working with all RowSets.
50. Miscellaneous topics like RowId etc.

Project : Student must develop a project by using the above knowledge. The project must be based on solving real life problems.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Why every programmer should have strong grasp on Data Structures and Algorithms?

Imagine that you want to make an app which searches in a specific city for the shortest road to reach a specific destination case you are late, note that here you are late, which means you can’t wait, simply the answer for that problem is that, try every road and minimize the length, finally tell the user the path with the minimum path, which will take a lot and a lot of time, and you can’t wait, so you need a specific method or “algorithm” to do this fast. This is a simple example, a lot of other problems may take hours or days to be solved with the native solution, it also may take years! can you imagine? The same thing with algorithms, some ways to store data makes it easy to be manipulated easier and faster which is what you want, for example assume that you have a system which generates generous values to your ratio of sugar in your blood, it takes a record for every second, and warns you with the lowest value, you can implement it using vector, and every once you add a record, you go calculate the minimum, that takes a lot of time, on that other hand you can use priority queue which keeps the lowest value itself.

1. To not be constrained by the programming language for data-structure :

Without a good knowledge of various data structures, it is easy to be constrained to thinking for solutions in terms of the data structures directly provided by the language If you were a Java programmer, you’d probably be thinking on solutions just in terms of what is provided in java lang util package Well, there’s lots more Take for instance a simple need: In a low end, basic phone, as the user types something, you’d like to present the user with “auto complete” feature Thinking in terms of the data structures readily provided by the language /libraries doesn’t help much.

2. Better hardware is not a solution :

No amount of additional hardware is going to compensate for an inefficient algorithm Super computer takes week to sort a billion numbers using insertion sort whereas a home computer takes minutes sort a billion numbers using merge sort.
Insertion Sort: O(n*n)
Merge Sort: O(n log n)

3. You’ll come across some very interesting, non-intuitive ways of solving problems :

Given an array with n distinct elements and n copies of another element. Find the missing element : Well, the normal solution we would all think of is to do a linear scan through the array and to find the missing element after reading through n/ + elements at the worst case [ Worst case = all n/ distinct numbers appear first in the array and then the number-which-repeats appears n/ times] Interestingly, this could be solved faster this way :
while(true) do
i = Rand numberWithinRange(to n)
j = Rand numberWithinRange(to n)
if(i!=j) and a[i]=a[j] then return i;
And the probability that the algorithm does not quit in iterations is ! “Randomization” turns out to be an amazing practical way of solving some section of problems And to give a more “real-world’s application for “randomization” -The randomized version of quicksort is one of the most practical/ efficient sorting algorithms ! Get ready to be surprised by lots of cool, non-intuitive-yet-amazing ways of solving problems.

4. Refresh a little bit on probability, logarithm and some fun math :

It’s interesting to get back to some math, – specifically on probability, expectations, logarithm.

5. Learn some interesting design paradigms :

While learning different algorithms, you’d also be grasping the different algorithm design paradigms (Divide and Conquer, Greedy method, Backtracking, Dynamic Programming) When there’s a new problem to be solved, this knowledge helps to come up with an efficient solution.

6. It’s a skill :

Certain things are just “knowledge” – that could be learned-along-the-way when a need arises For example: There’s not really a need to know all the “MVC” frameworks out there Knowing one is just enough There’s a need to use some other MVC framework ? Well that could be learned along the way But algorithms and data structures don’t fall into that category It’s a skill, to deduce an algorithm for a problem / It’s a skill to analyse the complexity and tell which algorithm is the better one / It’s good to learn in advance Acquiring a skill is interesting, right?

7. Quadratic complexity when O(n) solution exists :

Without some learning of algorithms, it’s quite possible that we come up with inefficient solutions when an efficient one already exists!

8. Understanding what’s behind the everyday tools :

Almost every tool that we use, day after day, applies some cool algorithms.

Course content :

1. Introduction :
⇒ Algorithm Specification; Performance Analysis: Time and Space Complexity, Asymptotic Notation, Pointer Declaration and Definition, Memory Allocation Functions, Array of Pointers, Type Definition, Enumerated Types, Accessing Structures, Complex Structures, Arrays of Structures, Structures and Functions.
2. Linked Lists :
⇒ Representations, Singly, Doubly, Header Node, Circular, Applications of Linked Lists: Josephus Problem, Sparse Matrix Storage Using Linked List and Its Operations, Polynomial and Long Integer Arithmetic.
3. Stacks :
⇒ Representing Stacks in C, Evaluation of Expressions, Multiple Stacks.
4. Applications of Stacks :
⇒ Infix, Postfix and Prefix and their Conversions, Recursive Definition and Processes, Recursion in C, Writing Recursive Programs Efficiency of Recursion.
5. Recursion Examples :
⇒ Tower of Hanoi, GCD, Fibonacci Definition.
6. Queues :
⇒ Linear and Circular Queue, Priority Queue, Linked List Representations.
7. Trees :
⇒ Basic Terminologies, Binary Tree Representation, Binary Search Tree, AVL Trees, B and B+ Trees.
8. Tree Operations :
⇒ Inserting, Deleting and Searching.
9. Graph :
⇒ Graph Operations, Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning Tree, Shortest Path and Transitive Closure.
10. Searching :
⇒ Binary and Linear Search Algorithms.
11. Sorting :
⇒ Insertion, Quick, Merge, Heap, Radix Sort.
11. Hashing :
⇒ Hashing and Collision Resolution.

Relational Database Management System

Should you learn Relational Database Management System?

Course content :

1. Introduction :
⇒ Database Systems, RDBMS Definition, Data Models, 3-Schema Architecture, Challenges in Building RDBMS, Different Components of a RDBMS.
2. Relational Data Model :
⇒ Concept of Relations and Its Characteristics, Schema-Instance, Integrity Constraints, E/R Model, Extended E/R Model, Converting the Database Specification In E/R and Extended E/R Notation to The Relational Schema.
3. Relational Query Language :
⇒ Relational Algebra, Tuple Relation Calculus, Domain Relational Calculus, Introduction to SQL, Data Definition in SQL, Table and Different Types of Constraints Definitions, Data Manipulation in SQL, Nested Queries, Notion of Aggregation.
4. Relational Database Design :
⇒ Functional Dependencies and Normal Forms, Armstrong’s Axioms for FD's, Closure of a Set of FD's, Minimal Covers, Decomposition of Relations to Desired Normal Forms, Algorithms for 3NF and BCNF Normalization, Multi-Valued Dependencies and 4NF.
5. Transaction Processing :
⇒ Concepts of Transaction Processing, ACID Properties, Concurrency Control, Locking Based Protocols, Recovery and Logging Methods.
6. Data Storage and Indexing :
⇒ File Organizations, Primary, Secondary Index Structures, Hash-Based Indexing, Dynamic Hashing Techniques, Multi-Level Indexes, B-Tree and B+ Tree.

Microsoft Basic and Intermediate Excel Course

Why is it important to learn Microsoft Excel?

In school, as a student you might have used Excel to plug in a few number tables or add two cells together. However, Excel is so much more complex than that. For example, did you know that the program can do all of the following:

  • Organize data in an easy-to-navigate way.
  • Do basic and complex mathematical functions so you don’t have to turn piles of data into helpful graphics and charts.
  • Analyze data and make forecasting predictions.

Course content :

1. Getting Started With Microsoft Office Excel :
⇒ Topic A: Navigate the Excel User Interface
⇒ Topic B: Use Excel Commands
⇒ Topic C: Create and Save a Basic Workbook
⇒ Topic D: Enter Cell Data
⇒ Topic E: Use Excel Help

2. Performing Calculations :
⇒ Topic A: Create Worksheet Formulas
⇒ Topic B: Insert Functions
⇒ Topic C: Reuse Formulas and Functions

3. Modifying a Worksheet :
⇒ Topic A: Insert, Delete, and Adjust Cells, Columns, and Rows
⇒ Topic B: Search for and Replace Data
⇒ Topic C: Use Proofing and Research Tools

4. Formatting a Worksheet :
⇒ Topic A: Apply Text Formats
⇒ Topic B: Apply Number Formats
⇒ Topic C: Align Cell Contents
⇒ Topic D: Apply Styles and Themes
⇒ Topic E: Apply Basic Conditional Formatting
⇒ Topic F: Create and Use Templates

5. Printing Workbooks :
⇒ Topic A: Preview and Print a Workbook
⇒ Topic B: Set Up the Page Layout
⇒ Topic C: Configure Headers and Footers

6. Managing Workbooks :
⇒ Topic A: Manage Worksheets
⇒ Topic B: Manage Workbook and Worksheet Views
⇒ Topic C: Manage Workbook Properties

Intermediate Course :

1. Working With Functions :
⇒ Topic A:Work with Ranges
⇒ Topic B: Use Specialized Functions
⇒ Topic C: Work with Logical Functions
⇒ Topic D: Work with Date and Time Functions
⇒ Topic E: Work with Text Functions

2. Working With Lists :
⇒ Topic A: Sort Data
⇒ Topic B: Filter Data
⇒ Topic C: Query Data with Database Functions
⇒ Topic D: Outline and Subtotal Data

3. Analyzing Data :
⇒ Topic A: Create and Modify Tables
⇒ Topic B: Apply Intermediate Conditional Formatting
⇒ Topic C: Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting

4. Visualizing Data With Charts :
⇒ Topic A: Create charts
⇒ Topic B: Modify and Format Charts
⇒ Topic C: Use Advanced Chart Features

5. Analyzing Data With PivotTables and PivotCharts :
⇒ Topic A: Create a PivotTable
⇒ Topic B: Analyze PivotTable Data
⇒ Topic C: Present Data with PivotCharts
⇒ Topic D: Filter Data by Using Timelines and Slicers

Microsoft Advanced Excel Course

Why learn Advanced Microsoft Excel?

Investment bankers and accountants aren’t the only ones who rely on Excel; scientists, teachers, business owners, graphic designers, and so many other people turn to the program for help. Regardless of what you do in the office, chances are there’s some way for Excel to be helping you do your job better; it’s just a matter of figuring out what that is.For instance, you can brainstorm those organizational data and create some graphical representations to communicate your ideas.More better, being good at Excel can make you the go-to person in the office; you never know when a colleague of yours needs someone with some Excel to help out, and that person could be you.

Course content :

⇒ Topic A: An overview of the screen, navigation and basic spreadsheet concepts
⇒ Topic B: Various selection techniques
⇒ Topic C: Shortcut Keys

⇒ Topic A: Customizing the Ribbon
⇒ Topic B: Using and Customizing AutoCorrect
⇒ Topic C: Changing Excel’s Default Options

⇒ Topic A: Using Functions – Sum, Average, Max,Min, Count, Counta
⇒ Topic B: Absolute, Mixed and Relative Referencing

⇒ Topic A: Formatting Cells with Number formats, Font formats, Alignment, Borders, etc
⇒ Topic B: Basic conditional formatting

⇒ Topic A: SumIf, SumIfs CountIf, CountIfs AverageIf, AverageIfs

⇒ Topic A: File Level Protection
⇒ Topic B: Workbook, Worksheet Protection

⇒ Topic A: Upper, Lower, Proper
⇒ Topic B: Left, Mid, Right
⇒ Topic C: Trim, Len, Exact
⇒ Topic D: Concatenate
⇒ Topic D: Find,Substitute

⇒ Today,Now
⇒ Day,Month,Year
⇒ Date,Date if,DateAdd
⇒ EOMonth,Weekday

⇒ Paste Formulas, Paste Formats
⇒ Paste Validations
⇒ Transpose Tables

10. Sorting and FILTERING :
⇒ Filtering on Text,Numbers & Colors
⇒ Sorting Options
⇒ Advanced Filters on 15-20 different criteria(s)

⇒ Setting Up Print Area
⇒ Customizing Headers and Footers
⇒ Designing the structure of a template
⇒ Print-Titles -Repeat Rows / Columns

⇒ Goal Seek
⇒ Scenario Analysis
⇒ Data Tables(PMT Function)
⇒ Solver Tool

⇒ If Function
⇒ How to Fix Errors - iferror
⇒ Nested if
⇒ Complex if and or functions

⇒ Number,Data & Time Validation
⇒ Text and List Validation
⇒ Custom validations based on formula for a cell
⇒ Dynamic Dropdown List Creation using Data Validation - Dependency List

⇒ Vlookup / HLookup
⇒ Index and Match
⇒ Creating Smooth User Interface Using Lookup
⇒ Nested VLookup
⇒ Reverse Lookup using Choose Function
⇒ Worksheet linking using Indirect
⇒ VLookup with Helper Column

⇒ Creating Simple Pivot Tables
⇒ Basic and Advanced Value Field Setting
⇒ Classic Pivot table
⇒ Grouping based on numbers and Dates
⇒ Calculated Field & Calculated Items