Fundamentals of programming using Java (VIII, IX, X of ICSE)

Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of algorithms including their correctness and resources consumption, and implementation (commonly referred to as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language.
Here at Sigma-Pi Academy we focus on concepts and fundamental blocks of programming. Along with the syllabus of ICSE, we help in homework, assignments and in school exams. Video recording of every class and pdf of class notes will be provided.

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Class VIII and IX :

  • 1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming concepts
  • 2. Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes
  • 3. Values and data types
  • 4. Operators in Java
  • 5. Input in Java
  • 6. Mathematical Library Methods
  • 7. Conditional constructs in Java
  • 8. Iterative constructs in Java
  • 9. Nested for loops
  • 10. Computing and Ethics

Class X :

  • 1. Revision of Class IX Syllabus
  • 2. Class as the Basis of all Computation
  • 3. User - defined Methods
  • 4. Constructors
  • 5. Library classes
    a. Introduction to wrapper classes.
    b. Methods of wrapper class and their usage with respect to numeric and character data types.
    c. Autoboxing and Unboxing in wrapper classes.
  • 6. Encapsulation
  • 7. Arrays
  • 8. String handling
  • 9. Additional topic in SigmaPi-Academy :
    ⤍ File Handling
    ⤍ Graphical Input and Output Using Swing.
  • 10. Project (Software using above concept.)
  • 11. Discussion of last 10 years ICSE papers.
  • 12. Mock Tests (10)